This post is a quite outdated, but I'm gonna still do it for you all because you deserve more than a phone when purchasing a cellular device, especially if its a review from S.S.'s own Remsta.
Sprint x Palm released the Pre as an exclusive touch screen phone to Sprint (which offers the Any Mobile, AnytimeSM plan) on June 6th this year, although I was put on a waiting list for about a week. Retail was $200 with the plan, but now as time has passed the price reduced to $150 for Sprint, and even as low as $80(I dropped 2 stacks on it, so say thank you to the forerunner) on Amazon so I suggest that you get one.
Savage RAting (5/5! perFect)
The Palm Pre is the first phone of its kind as it utilizes the PalmWebOS , or a web based operating system using the internet as a main component. That is one of a thousand cool things about this phone, which doesn't include the "card-stacking feature"! Card-stacking is the ability to have multiple windows open on the screen at one time so that you can multitask(this is unlike any other phone, even iPhone, which is why I highly recommend to...anyone who wants to add another touch to their fly). As well, another dope ability is that you can sync all of your web accounts with the phone so that you have your e-mail, contacts, calender, photos, music, videos, facebook, twitter, text messages...(you get the point) all in the PALM of your hand without even having to login a second time. The calender is even layered so that you can organize it to fit different schedules that you have. And unlike the iPhone, you just have to begin type to start your universal search throughout the phone. It even comes with Google Maps and Sprint Nav. standard, and of course you can download all the cool apps that you want.
What I would like to see coming with the updates though is possibly a touchscreen keyboard. I mean don't get me wrong, because the current, tangible keyboard is very comfortable for my fingers to play with(and believe me, my fingers like to play), but its something about a touchscreen keyboard that completes a touchscreen phone. As well, I am waiting for the update that allows for video to be captured, because at the present you can only take pictures(pretty weak huh?), but at a gleaming 3- megapixel rate may I mention. Word documents can't be written on the phone either, but you can view them if you download them to the phone, PDF's being the same way. BUT, on the upside of this upslide phone, the text messages are all threaded, and on top of that they even thread into your instant messaging so its like you never stopped talking to Guru Fresh! OH yea, and the music syncs to iTunes, so all of you iPOD users(not iPhone) are fine with keeping the same software. With all that said(i probably forgot some things because its that tight like baby pussy), don't you think this is one bombb ass phone, it definitely gets a 5/5 on this review and deserves some more users
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